

The End of the Gold Standard and the Beginning of the Recovery from the Great Depression

VoxEU – CEPR (2024)

The Recession: Technicality or Reality?

British Politics and Policy LSE (2024)

European Business Cycles and Economic Growth, 1300-2000

VoxEU – CEPR (2023)

Three Centuries of UK Business Cycles: What Lessons for Today? 

ESRC Economics Observatory (2023)

Sticky Wages and the Great Depression

VoxEU – CEPR (2022)

An Annual Index of Irish Industrial Production, 1800-1913

The Long Run – Economic History Society (2022) with Seán Kenny and Kevin O'Rourke

Dating Business Cycles in the United Kingdom, 1700–2010 

Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (2022)

Inflation Past and Present: How Have we Measured the Rising Cost of Living? 

ESRC Economics Observatory (2022)

Accounting for (De)industrialisation in Ireland

VoxEU – CEPR (2021) with Seán Kenny and Kevin O'Rourke

The Aftermath of Sovereign Debt Crises

VoxEUCEPR (2021) with Rui Esteves and Seán Kenny

Measuring Inflation Expectations in Interwar Britain

The Long Run – Economic History Society (2021) with Solomos Solomou

What Can We Learn from the Past about How to Pay for the Crisis? 

ESRC Economics Observatory (2020)

Uncertainty and the Great Slump 

The Long Run – Economic History Society (2020)

The Aftermath of Sovereign Debt Crises

The Long Run – Economic History Society (2019) with Rui Esteves and Seán Kenny

The Price of Everything

National Institute Economic Review (2018)

A Brief Monetary History of Ireland

The Long Run – Economic History Society (2018) with Seán Kenny

Uncertainty Matters: Past, Present and Future 

National Institute of Economic and Social Research (2018)

A History of UK Banking Crises: Is This Time Different? 

National Institute of Economic and Social Research (2017) with Seán Kenny and John Turner

The British Economy in Global Perspective, 1000–2000

Positive Check – European Historical Economics Society (2014)


How Long Do Recessions Last?

LSE (2022)


Macroeconomic (In)stability in UK Economic History, 1700-2010

Economic History Podcast (2024)


BBC (a, b, c)

BBC Mundo

City A.M.

Financial Times (a, b, c, d, e, f)

Guardian (a, b, c, d)


LSE Research for the World




The Times